>> Friday, January 22, 2010 –
slow mode.
I don't know why I always be a victim,but one thing for sure,I'll try my best to be good friend,to whoever offers me friendship.For whatever reason,somehow the game of blame already sparks although I try my best to help,but it's seems my hand seems not been appreciated.
The best thing is to shut up and watch my world dissapears.
To him-Good luck and I hope my help is good enough.Remember,you have to learn more rather than you study idiot stuffs in your university.Tell might you want to learn lighting in theatre.
To his girlfriend-try to throw away your perception that I'm a spectre that haunts you every night and day.I'm your bestie,remember?Throw away your jealousy because helping a friend is much more important than just an unrelevant emotion.If I don't tell him at the first place he wouldn't get a job,as a scriptwriter as he wish,okay?I'm trying to let him out from his misery and this is how you thank me?
Remember rule number one in friendship,"backstabbing is the biggest offense in friendship".
To his friend-maybe I'm been overprotective to him.But it's shows that I concern about him and his friendship.And I might be wrong here.And explaination from him was good enough,he admits his mistakes and he didn't do it for purpose.So,he asked all of you a sincere apology,and I hope this note can clear everything.
To Johan-Happy Birthday on 23th January.
To bro and sis-in-law-Good luck for a baby.Hug and kisses for Soeffiyan.
I took this time to be quiet for a while.I'll be to Vancouver for Olympic,not as an athlete but for supporters of my friend who joining slalom jump.It's been 2 years back I've been boycotted Olympics,now although there's a protest I still won't boycott it.After all,Canadian won't shoot bloggers like Chinese government did.
To all Celtic fans-You'll Never Walk Alone.
פֿאַר וועלכער סיבה, נישט איין קען שטעלן מיר צו ליבע איר. מייַן וועט איז שטאַרק, נישט אפילו גאָט קענען נעמען אַוועק פֿון מיר, איר'רע מיין סיבה און איר'רע מיין צוקונפט.און איך וועל טאָן עפּעס צו מאַכן איר צופרידן.
Tu agus go mbeidh me go deo.Dha Soul ar cheann.Agus ni feidir aon duine a dhiultu.
Kardeşim, kariniz dikkat unutmayin!
kau ni,mengundang fasis agama untuk memaki kau la..hahaha!font yahudi ni mana kau rembat?macam mana kau download font hebrew hah?
eh ni bukan hebrew la along,ni yiddish!
hebrew lain la..hik hik!
hik hik!
To his girlfriend-try to throw away your perception that I'm a spectre that haunts you every night and day.I'm your bestie,remember?Throw away your jealousy because helping a friend is much more important than just an unrelevant emotion.If I don't tell him at the first place he wouldn't get a job,as a scriptwriter as he wish,okay?I'm trying to let him out from his misery and this is how you thank me?